Tan-Jam: A blend, a preserve, a deep thought or two…

Sonja (my mom) Unsung…Until Now!

Though my mom almost never wears makeup or even lipstick, I think she’s one of the classiest women I’ve ever known. Class doesn’t necessarily come with cosmetics, money, fancy clothes or other adornments. It also comes with what you do with what you’ve got for the greater good, and especially for your children.

Covid-19: Summer Time Blues

A week ago, Friday, my husband Sean and adult son, Chris took our travel trailer to New Hampshire Motor Speedway. They were psyched for another weekend of NASCAR races and people watching.  I was thrilled to stay at home, soak in the hot tub, and catch up on reading.  All was well until Saturday at…

This Flag is Your Flag, This Flag is My Flag

The American flag belongs to all of us! Not one “side” or faction. No one gets to own the flag or make it symbol for their “side.” No one should despise the flag because they are unhappy or even disillusioned with the way the things are going. Rally, mobilize, and go vote, but please don’t…


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About Me

Hi, I’m Tanja. (Think of the short “a” in “suntan-Tan-ya” not “Tahn-ya -lasagna,” if you please.) I’m on a lifetime faith journey, grateful to overcome many toils and snares. A lot of my essays reflect this, though some are just my take on things. Thanks for reading. Please comment, pro or con, if the mood strikes. Cheers!